About | Handmade Wood Creations |Naturally Built by Noah
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Noah Paola

My passion for woodworking started when I was 16 years old and I built a garden shed with my dad.  From there I used a small collection of tools and began making small cedar boxes and outdoor furniture.  By slowly upgrading tools and teaching myself new skills I was able to work with nicer wood and make finer furniture.  Since then I have made all types of furniture and wooden items, from cutting boards to full dining tables.  I have worked with many people including interior designers, Photo&Go and Portland Piano Company.  I also run an Etsy shop where I sell some of my own personal designs and items.  I love the idea of passing down a handmade piece of furniture from generation to generation.  So I incorporate that level of quality craftsmanship into my work.

Naturally Built on Etsy